{Seattle Love Session} Danielle + Dylan

I love this session. It almost didn’t happen, and I’m so glad that it did. We rescheduled the first time because of the weather. We rescheduled the second time because of the weather. We rescheduled the third time because of the stomach flu. We almost had to reschedule again, but decided that we could make it happen despite the set backs and went for it! We were racing the light with 45 minutes or less before sunset, running around Queen Anne, laughing and really having a great time- this is one of my favorite sets of images that I’ve ever taken. It’s probably partially because Dylan and Danielle are amazing friends of mine so I’m a little biased. Congratulations on three beautiful years of marriage you two, here is to many more!

PS. Today is Danielle’s birthday! Happy birthday beautiful, I hope it’s everything you hope for and more.



{boudoir} for Christmas!

I have been waiting so patiently (ok, impatiently) to be able to share this session with you all. I love doing boudoir, I know I say that every session I post, and every time I show a woman the results of our time together and she is thrilled it reaffirms why I love what I do. This shoot may have been for a gift for Melissa’s boyfriend, but I think it was just as much a gift to herself in the end. Melissa is a friend of mine from our Starbucks days, and we’ve worked together previously to put together her portfolio as a makeup artist (she’s amazing). Melissa’s boudoir session was the first in the new studio and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out, shooting boudoir in this studio is even better than I had imagined it would be! Thank you for choosing me to be your photographer Melissa, I can’t wait to do it again!

{milestones} Jack’s First Birthday

I am so happy that I have had the pleasure of documenting Jack from the time he was still in his mama’s tummy, to his newborn photos, six month and now his first birthday. Jack’s parents, Johnny & Cherie, are close friends of mine that I’ve known for a few years now and it’s amazing to be there to see this little man grow and learn. We celebrated his first birthday at the studio with a portrait session and included a cake smash at the end- his mom made that adorable cake herself! I look forward to capturing more family memories as their family grows and changes over the years. Interested in a Bump to Baby Package with Kendall Lauren Photography? See all the details HERE under portrait pricing!

{Just for Clicks} Lars

This guy. After taking two weeks off from business and photographing (really from doing anything) I was so ready to get out with my camera and photograph someone- ANYONE. Lucky for me all I had to do was bribe my husband with a snazzy new cardigan sweater and he gave me an hour out in the freezing, albeit sunny, Seattle weather on a Sunday afternoon. We hit up a spot I’ve had my eye on under I-5 near the U-District and then headed to the beach Golden Garden’s park. Technical Info: shot with the Canon 5D mii, 50mm f/1.4 & 70-200 f/2.8, edited with LR3 and VSCO film pack 1.